Exhibitions Archive
Imagining Classical Sculpture in Late-Nineteenth-Century Britain
Alma-Tadema and AntiquityJoan Miro and Dorothea Tanning's Surrealist Exlporations of the Unconscious
Discovering Identity Through ArtA History of Viewing from the Renaissance to the Present Day
The Art of SpectatorshipThe Art of the Stripe
Sean ScullyVisual Humor in Ideas of Race, Nationality, and Ethnicity
No Laughing MatterThis fall term, Dartmouth College Humanities Institute participants, including visiting residential fellows and several Dartmouth faculty members, are meeting weekly on campus to investigate the impact of visual humor on history, psychology, culture, and everyday life from multiple perspectives. No Laughing Matter is led by David Bindman (Morton Distinguished Fellow) and Angela Rosenthal (Dartmouth Institute Director), under the auspices of the Leslie Center for the Humanities, Dartmouth College, with the participation of the Yale Center for British Art and the Du Bois Institute of African and African-American Studies at Harvard. The Humanities Institute will host an international conference, November 8-11, 2007. The Hood exhibition has also been organized in conjunction with the Northeast American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Annual Meeting and conference, October 25-28, 2007, which will host a special panel titled Visual Humor in the Global Eighteenth Century in conjunction with the Humanities Institute.