LEFT Hawai'i (Hawaii), Shark Hook, about 1839-1841, wood, whale ivory, and plant fiber. Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth: Gift of the Smithsonian Institution; 13.3.684.
LEFT Hawai'i (Hawaii), Shark Hook, about 1839-1841, wood, whale ivory, and plant fiber. Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth: Gift of the Smithsonian Institution; 13.3.684.
LEFT Kerewa people, Feather Headdress (detail), collected 1912, cassowary feathers (diware), feathers, Job's tears (berege), bark fiber string, fiber. Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth: Gift of Mrs. A. Lincoln Washburn, Class of 1935W; 53.57.12919.
LEFT probably Elema People, Barkcloth Mask (Eharo) (detail), collected 1885, bark cloth, rattan, plant fiber and pith, natural pigment (black, white, and red). Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth: Acquired by exchange from the Fairbanks Museum and Planetarium, St. Johnsbury, Vermont; 53.65.13194.
LEFT Namau people, Ancestral Board (Gope; kwoi or kohe) (detail), 20th century, wood, natural pigments (red, white, and black). Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth: Harry A. Franklin Family Collection; 990.54.27253.
LEFT Abelam people, Headdress (detail), basketry and pigment. Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth: Harry A. Franklin Family Collection; 990.54.28094.
LEFT Tongatapu Island, Barkcloth Mat (detail), about 1987, paper mulberry bark, natural pigments. Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth: Gift of the Estate of Celia Ehrlich; 2005.30.1.
LEFT Walangkura Napanangka, Australian (Pintupi), born about 1945, Lupul (detail), 2005, acrylic on canvas. Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth: Gift of Will Owen and Harvey Wagner; 2009.92.321.
LEFT Ningura Napurrula, Australian (Pintupi), born about 1938, Wirrulnga (detail), 2004, acrylic on canvas. Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth: Gift of Will Owen and Harvey Wagner; 2011.60.33.
LEFT Garry Namponan, Australian (Wik - Alkan / Wik - Ngatharr), born 1960, Ku' (Dingo), 2005, ochres, acrylic on milkwood and bamboo. Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth: Gift of Will Owen and Harvey Wagner; 2011.60.48.
LEFT Christian Thompson, Australian (Bidjara), born 1978, Black Gum #2 (detail), from the series Australian Graffiti, 2007, C-Type print on paper. Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth: Gift of Will Owen and Harvey Wagner; 2011.60.64.