LEFT Nasca (Nazca), Bowl in the form a Feline, Early Nasca, 200-300, terracotta with white, gray, red, orange, and black slip. Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth: Gift of Frederick E. and Constance M. Landmann; 987.48.26895.
LEFT Nasca (Nazca), Bowl in the form a Feline, Early Nasca, 200-300, terracotta with white, gray, red, orange, and black slip. Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth: Gift of Frederick E. and Constance M. Landmann; 987.48.26895.
LEFT Andre Pierre, Haitian, 1914-2005, Ritual Jar (govi) for Danbala with Intertwined Serpents (veve) Symbol, collected 1966, oil paint on terracotta. Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth: Gift of Micaela and Jack Mendelsohn, Class of 1956; 2005.7.3.
LEFT Alfredo Jaar, Chilean, born 1956, The Eyes of Gutete Emerita, 1996, digital video. Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth: Purchased through the William S. Rubin Fund, the Contemporary Art Fund, the Guernsey Center Moore 1904 Memorial Fund, and the Anonymous Fund #144; 2006.17.
LEFT Kuna (Cuna), Mola (detail), mid-20th century, cotton cloth and thread. Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth: Gift of Roger H. Zanes, Jr.; 2008.39.
LEFT Luis Cruz Azaceta, Cuban, born 1942, Lotto: The American Dream, number 2 of 10 (detail); from the portfolio, 10: Artist as Catalyst, published 1992, nine color serigraph on white medium weight Lenox 100 wove paper. Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth: Purchased through the Anonymous Fund #144; 2008.53.2.
LEFT Diego Rivera, Mexican, 1886 - 1957, Self-Portrait (detail), about 1950, charcoal pencil on paper. Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth: Gift of Marc F. Efron, Class of 1965, and Eric M. Efron; 2013.72.6.
LEFT José Clemente Orozco, Mexican, 1883-1949, The Epic of American Civilization: The Departure of Quetzalcoatl (Panel 7) (detail), 1932-1934, fresco. Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth: Commissioned by the Trustees of Dartmouth College; P.934.13.7.
LEFT Matta, Chilean, 1911-2002, A Pinch of Earth (detail), 1953, oil on canvas. Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth: Gift of Thomas George, Class of 1940; P.965.74.
LEFT Unknown Ecuadorian, Ecuadorian, Madonna and Child (Nursing Madonna) (detail), 18th century, oil on canvas. Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth: Gift of Marta Phillips in memory of David F. Phillips, Class of 1951; P.998.15.2.
LEFT Nayarit, Dog (Lagunillas Style) (detail), 100-300, burnished terracotta with cream slip and red bands on face, neck and feet. Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth: Gift of Evelyn A. and William B. Jaffe, Class of 1964H; S.958.364.
This collection comprises objects from a range of early cultures as well as colonial art, material culture, and works by modern and contemporary artists, including José Clemente Orozco.