Curating Black Experiences in Museums, Theatres and New Territories
From Classics to New Works
Thursday, May 9, 2019
Hood Museum of Art
Art History Department, Dartmouth Center for the Advancement of Learning (DCAL), Hood Museum of Art, Leslie Center for the Humanities, Theater Department
Intended Audience(s)
What are the limitations and possibilities of curating a season of black theatre, curating a story of black experiences, curating a course or a museum exhibit on black culture, etc.? What resources do black artists bring to the table in spite of the white supremacist power structures with which we have to contend? With Jarvis Green, Producing Artistic Director and Founder of JAG Productions, Vermont’s first black theatre production company; Miranda Haymon, Princess Grace Award/Honoraria-winning writer, director and deviser of performance; and Monica White Noudounou, Associate Professor of Theatre and Convener of the 2018 International Black Theatre Summit.
This conversation is sponsored by the Hood Museum of Art, the Leslie Center for the Humanities, DCAL, the Theater Department, The CRAFT Institute, and the Dartmouth Society of Fellows.
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Hood Museum
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