Staff Stories: Kathryn Willeman

I had the pleasure of presenting on an alumni panel at Gordon College's Museum Studies Symposium. The topic, "Museums and the Future," provided a fitting context in which to share how the Hood is strategically thinking about engaging with new audiences, both now and in the future. One of the Hood's many approaches to this priority is through its transition from guard to guide, which resulted in the new Visitor Services Guide position. As part of the guide team, I am in the galleries to encourage meaningful encounters with the museum and its artwork for our visitors. The position gives me the opportunity to engage directly with everyone who comes through the Hood's doors and to facilitate personal experiences that best suit the individual visitor's needs. Thank you, Gordon College, for the opportunity to share about the exciting work happening in Hanover at Dartmouth's Hood Museum of Art!

Written by Kathryn Willeman, Visitor Services Guide

Tags: Staff News

Written May 07, 2019