This past June, art entered the new Hood for the first time. The honor of laying out the first gallery was given not to a curator, but rather to five Dartmouth seniors just days before their graduation.
The Hood's senior interns—Gina Campanelli, Class of 1954 Intern; Marie-Therese Cummings, Levinson Intern; Ashley Dotson, Conroy Intern; Tess McGuiness, Conroy Intern; and Kimberly Yu, Homma Family Intern—organized the first student-curated exhibition in the new Hood. They chose the theme of consent for their show, titled Consent: Complicating Agency in Photography. The exhibition is divided into four sections and looks at issues of consent in photographs involving the self, the individual, the public, and global issues. The students wrote the wall labels as well as an exhibition brochure featuring essays exploring themes of identity, representation, and technology.
This show is a continuation of the Space for Dialogue student-curated exhibition program, founded with support from the Class of 1948, and made possible with generous endowments from the Class of 1967, Bonnie and Richard Reiss Jr. '66, and Pamela J. Joyner '70.