A Space for Dialogue 106

Cover of the exhibition brochure for A Space Dialogue 106, featuring a brightly colored print of a Latino immigrant holding what looks like bags of oranges.
April, 2022 Supplementary PDF (854.31 KB)

A DREAM Deferred: Undocumented Immigrants and the American Dream

Yliana Beck, '22 Conroy Intern

Published by the Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth, 2022, 4 pages

This A Space for Dialogue exhibition explores works of art that call attention to undocumented immigrants, whose livelihoods are in constant danger as they continue to live in the United States in hopes of better opportunities and to achieve the so-called American Dream. This exhibition focuses primarily on poster prints, which have become a popular and effective tool for spreading the word on injustices and reaching mass audiences.

Publication type: A Space for Dialogue Brochures

Publication subject: Mexico, Central, & South America