Je viens prévenir le roi Agamemnon qu'on va commencer le 4e acte..... il faut qu'il se dépêche, sans cela il sera mis à l'amende. (I have come to warn king Agamemnon that they have started the fourth act... he has to hurry up, otherwise he'll be fined.)
Honoré Victorin Daumier, French, 1808 - 1879
Lithograph on paper
Sheet: 10 1/8 × 14 1/4 in. (25.7 × 36.2 cm)
Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth: Transferred from the Dartmouth College Library
Portfolio / Series Title
Plate 2 from Croquis Dramatiques
Chez Aubert & Cie, Paris
Place Made: France, Europe
19th century
Object Name
Research Area
Not on view
Rudolph Ruzicka (1883-1978); given to the Dartmouth College Library, likely through the Estate of Tatiana Ruzicka (1915-1995) courtesy of Edward Connery Lathem (1926-2009); transferred to present collection.
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