BART THURBER, the Hood's curator of European art, has been awarded a prestigious Craig Hugh Smyth Visiting Fellowship this fall at Villa I Tatti, the Harvard University Center for Renaissance Studies in Florence, Italy. The fellowship, generously funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and supported by Dartmouth College's Provost Office, will allow Thurber to conduct research on several paintings in the museum's Italian Renaissance collection. He will also develop a book-length study on art and architecture in Bologna during the Counter Reformation.
At the beginning of the summer, we bid farewell to two staff members. THERESA DELEMARRE, Administrative Assistant for Development, retired after twenty-five years at Dartmouth. Theresa worked as the Hood's Receptionist/ Business Assistant beginning at its opening in 1985, and in 1998 she was promoted to her post as Director's Administrative Assistant for Development. During her twenty years at the Hood, Theresa was a model colleague, treasured for her kindness and sense of humor.
LINDA IDE, Tour Coordinator, spent eight years at the Hood. Linda was a gracious and ever-helpful presence, welcoming visitors of all ages to the museum. She arranged visits for thousands of regional school children, enrolled teachers, children, adults, and teenagers in the museum's public programs, and worked closely with the docents. Everyone at the museum and in the community who worked with Theresa and Linda will miss them tremendously.