Esmé Thompson: The Alchemy of Design

Cover of Esme Thompson: The Alchemy of Design
January, 2011

Contributions by Liz Quackenbush and Marjorie Woods and an interview with the artist by Brian Kennedy

Foreword by Katherine Hart, Interim Director of the Hood Museum of Art

Distributed by University Press of New England

2011, 96 pages

paper, ISBN # 978-0-944722-40-4, $19.95

This catalogue presents artist Esmé Thompson’s recent work in a variety of media: paintings, collages, drawings, and wall installations. Thompson, who is a professor of studio art at Dartmouth College, draws on a rich variety of sources including Renaissance portraits, Moroccan textiles, wall painting, ceramics, medieval illuminated manuscripts, biological illustrations, photographs, and the art of modern painters in creating her intricate and layered surfaces. Medieval studies scholar Marjorie Woods and artist and ceramicist Liz Quackenbush provide essays on the artist, written from their different perspectives. This catalogue is perfect for devotees of the rich heritage of pattern and design in cultures across the globe.

Publication type: Exhibition Related

Publication subject: Modern & Contemporary ArtUnited States & Canada