Works on Paper, Studies in Contrast

January 14 – April 9, 2023



Artists rarely, if ever, remain neutral towards the subjects or themes of their works. They express points of view, opinions, or ideas about the human body, social interactions and hierarchies, politics, faith, the natural world, and even art itself. The works of art in this exhibition, arranged in pairs, offer contrasting perspectives from artists on a variety of themes: men and women, the family, war and human suffering, the built environment, and subjects drawn from poetry and real life. Each pair is accompanied by a single question that serves as a starting point. We wish to provoke further reflection about the artists’ individual approaches to their subjects: from what points of view (literal, emotional, intellectual) does the artist look at their subjects? In what ways do artists communicate their points of view?

This exhibition is curated in conjunction with Art History 2, Introduction to the History of Art II.

This exhibition is organized by the Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth, and generously supported by the Harrington Gallery Fund.

Exhibition Curator

Joy Kenseth | Katherine Hornstein

Exhibition subject: Teaching Exhibition