Le coton tombe, l'homme reste, et le mollet s'évanouit (The Cotton Falls, the Man Remains, and the Calf Fades)
Honoré Victorin Daumier, French, 1808 - 1879
published November 15, 1840
Lithograph on paper
Sheet: 13 7/8 × 9 3/4 in. (35.2 × 24.8 cm)
Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth: Gift of Helen Farr Sloan
Portfolio / Series Title
Plate 10 from Coquetterie (Coquettishness)
Imprimerie d'Aubert & Cie, Paris
Chez Bauger & Cie, Paris
Place Made: France, Europe
19th century
Object Name
Research Area
Not on view
Lettered, upper center: COQUETTERIE.; lettered, upper right: N.o [o in superscript] 10.; initialled, on stone, lower right: h.D.; lettered, lower right margin: Imp. d'Aubert & C.ie [ie in superscript]; lettered, lower center: Le coton tombe, l'homme reste, / Et le mollet s'évanouit. / (J.B. Rousseau) / Chez Bauger & C.ie [ie in superscript] Editeurs des dessins de la CARICATURE, du FIGARO et du CHARIVARI, Rue du Croissant, N.o [o in superscript] 16.
Exhibition History
Old Age, Lower Jewett Corridor, Hopkins Center Art Galleries, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire, February 5-April 11, 1983.
Helen Farr Sloan (1911-2005), date unknown; given to present collection, 1952.
Catalogue Raisonne
Hazard (1904): 1201; Delteil (1926), Vol. 3: 744; Daumier Register: 744
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