Monsieur Daumier, votre série...est...charmante... (Mr. Daumier, your

Honoré Victorin Daumier, French, 1808 - 1879
Charles Philipon, French, 1800 - 1862



Hand-colored lithograph on wove paper

Sur blanc impression

Image: 9 3/16 × 9 in. (23.4 × 22.8 cm)

Sheet: 13 3/8 × 10 1/8 in. (34 × 25.7 cm)

Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth: Purchased through the Class of 1935 Memorial Fund


Portfolio / Series Title

Plate 78 from Caricaturana


Imprimerie d'Aubert & Cie, Paris


Chez Aubert & Cie, Paris


Place Made: France, Europe


19th century

Object Name


Research Area


Not on view


Lettered, upper left: Caricaturana 78; inscribed, on stone, lower right: A&C / 40000; lettered, lower left margin: par M. M Daumier et Philipon; lettered, lower center margin: Chez Aubert gal véro dodat.; lettered, lower right margin: Imp. d'Aubert et [ie in superscript]; lettered, lower center: Monsieur Daumier votre série des Roberts-Macaires est une chose charmante!...C'est la peinture exacte / des voleries de notre epoque....C'est le portrait fidèle d'une foule de coquins qu'on retrouve partout / dans le commerce, dans le politique, dans le barreau, dans la finance, partout! partout!!.....Les fripons / doivent bien vous en vouloir.....Mais l'estime des honnêtes gens vous est acquise......Vous / n'avez pas encore la croix d'honneur?......C'est revoltant!!.. [Translated text: Monsieur Daumier, your Robert-Macaire series is delightful. It's an exact picture of the sins of our time... the faithful portrait of innumerable crooked characters one finds everywhere - in business, in politics, in bureaucracy, in finance, everywhere! everywhere! The scoundrels must bear you quite a grudge... But you have the esteem of honest people... You haven't been given the Cross of Honor yet?... That's shocking!]

Course History

FREN 8, Exploring French Culture and Language, Annabelle Cone, Winter 2014

FREN 8, Exploring French Culture and Language, Annabelle Cone, Spring 2014

FREN 8, Exploring French Culture and Language, Annabelle Cone, Fall 2014

FREN 8, Exploring French Culture and Language, Annabelle Cone, Winter 2015

ARTH 48.05, Satire: Art, Politics & Critique, Kristin O'Rourke, Winter 2022

ARTH 48.05, Satire: Art, Politics & Critique, Kristin O'Rourke, Winter 2022

ARTH 48.05, Satire: Art, Politics, & Critique, Kristin O'Rourke, Fall 2022

Exhibition History

A Space for Dialogue 65, Aggressive Art; Early Caricature and Self-Parody in France and England, Dylan Hayley Leavitt, Class of 2011, The Kathryn Conroy Intern, Main Lobby, Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire, September 2-October 2011.

Churchill P. Lathrop Gallery, Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire, March 26-May 19, 2002.

France in Transformation: The Caricature of Honore Daumier, Harrington Gallery, Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire, April 25-August 24, 2009.

Publication History

Abigail Weir, France in Transition: The Caricature of Honore Daumier, Hanover, New Hampshire: Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College, 2009, ill. p. 3.


C. G. Boerner Inc., New York, New York; sold to present collection, 2000.

Catalogue Raisonne

Hazard (1904): 1068; Delteil (1926): 433; Daumier Register: 433

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