This Too Shall Fall / Esto también caerá!

Fernando Martí, American, born 1978



Silkscreen, letterpress


Sheet: 18 × 12 in. (45.7 × 30.5 cm)

Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth: Purchased through the Contemporary Art Fund


Portfolio / Series Title

Migration Now


Justseeds Artists’ Cooperative | CultureStrike, New York


Place Made: United States, North America


21st century

Object Name


Research Area


Not on view


Parte de la carpeta "¡Migración ahora!" de la Cooperativa de artistas Justseeds, estas impresiones tratan sobre la migración contemporánea. Usando motivos como el resplandeciente pájaro quetzal, una importante especie centroamericana que se encuentra desde el sur de México hasta el norte de Panamá y las migraciones de la mariposa monarca, las cuales han venido a representar la libertad de movimiento, estas obras se inspiran en un creativo, activista y léxico artístico para defender la soberanía de los pueblos migrantes. Vistas en conjunto, muestran el ciclo de vida de la migración en el que la violencia y la agitación generan el éxodo moderno, mientras se erigen fortificaciones fronterizas para mantener alejados a los que se consideran indeseables.

Part of the Migration Now! portfolio by the Justseeds Artists’ Cooperative, these prints comment on contemporary migration. Using motifs such as the resplendent quetzal bird (an important Central American species found from southern Mexico to northern Panama) and the migrations of the monarch butterfly, which have come to stand-in for freedom of movement, these works take inspiration from a creative, activist, and artistic lexicon to defend the sovereignty of migrating people. Seen together, they show the lifecycle of migration—wherein violence and turmoil generate modern-day exodus, while border fortifications are erected to keep out those deemed undesirable.

From the 2022 exhibition Bolas de Fuego: Culture and Conflict in Central America, curated by Jorge E. Cuéllar, Assistant Professor of Latin American, Latino, and Caribbean Studies

Course History

LACS 8.01, Politics and Culture in Transnational Central America, Jorge Cuellar, Summer 2022

LACS 8.01, Politics and Culture in Transnational Central America, Jorge Cuellar, Summer 2022

LACS 8.01, Politics and Culture in Transnational Central America, Jorge Cuellar, Summer 2022

Latino Studies 44.01, Latino Roots and Transitions, Thamyris Almeida, Winter 2023

Latino Studies 44.01, Anthropology 12.19, Sociology 43.01, Latino Roots & Transitions, Christina Gomez, Summer 2024

Exhibition History

Bolas de Fuego: Culture and Conflict in Central America, Teaching exhibition, Guest curator Jorge E. Cuellar, Class of 1967 Gallery and the LeWitt Wall, Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire, May 28-September 25, 2022.


Booklyn Artists Alliance, Brooklyn, New York; sold to present collection, 2013.

This record is part of an active database that includes information from historic documentation that may not have been recently reviewed. Information may be inaccurate or incomplete. We also acknowledge some language and imagery may be offensive, violent, or discriminatory. These records reflect the institution’s history or the views of artists or scholars, past and present. Our collections research is ongoing.

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