Loretta Young for Devil's In Love, 20th Century Fox

George Hurrell, American, 1904 - 1992



Black and white vintage print

Overall: 14 × 11 in. (35.6 × 27.9 cm)

Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth: The John Kobal Foundation Collection; Purchased through the Mrs. Harvey P. Hood W'18 Fund



Place Made: United States, North America


20th century

Object Name


Research Area


Not on view


Verso: #38 Motion Picture. Loretta Young, beautiful young screen star,[playing in "Devils in Love"] wearing a smart felt hat (dinner hat) of black satin with velvet ribbon trim and short, french veil. The dinner dress of black satin [?] has sleeves of silver and black bead trim.


John Kobal Foundation Limited, London, England; sold to present collection, 2019.

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