Wedding Ensemble

Unknown American, American


about 1883-1887

Wedding ensemble consisting of a) one-piece dress, b) shoes, c) gloves, d) bonnet. The dress is made of ecru striped silk satin, trimmed with paper flowers and constructed in an elaborate bustle-style. The skirt section of the dress has a built-in bustle consisting of boning in horitzontal casings to control the shape of the bustle. The shoes are made of white suede with a beaded gros-grain bows and Louis heels. The long gloves are made of white suede with 3 flat pearl buttons.

Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth: Gift of Mrs. E. L. Wertman



Place Made: United States, North America


19th century

Object Name

Clothing: Outerwear

Research Area

Textiles and Costumes

Not on view


Dress: Darlington Runk & Co., Philadelphia; Shoes: J & J Slater, 1185 Broadway, New York; Gloves: 5/34 Courvoisier's Chambord.


Mrs. E.L. Wertman, Wolf, Wyoming; given to Mrs. John Milne, Class of 1937W, Hanover, New Hampshire, for the Williams Costume Collection; given to present collection by Mrs. Milne on behalf of Mrs. Wertman , 1977. (M. Spicer 4/19/07)

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