
Jacob Hurd, American (worked Boston, Massachusetts), 1702/3 - 1758


about 1750


Overall: 5 1/16 × 5 5/16 × 3 9/16 in. (12.8 × 13.5 × 9 cm)

Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth: Gift of Sandra D. Carpenter and son Bradford D. Carpenter, Class of 1982, in memory of Charles B. Carpenter, MD, Class of 1955



Place Made: United States, North America



Object Name

Tools and Equipment: Food Service

Research Area

Decorative Arts

Not on view


Engraved, in cursive: J.F.D. from S.O.B. [engraved later, between 1832 and 1878, using the life dates of the recipient, John Francis Davis (1832–1917) and his mother, Susan Osborn Balch (1811–1878). Marked [Kane mark “C”], to left of handle: HURD [in rectangle]

Publication History

Listed in Patricia Kane, Colonial Massachusetts Silversmiths and Jewelers. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1998, p. 589 (source for listing: Yale University Art Gallery files).

Published References

Hood, Graham. American Silver: A History of Style, 1650–1900. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1971.


Probably acquired by Freeborn Balch III (1712/13–1786); to his son, Wesley Perkins Balch (1766-1827); to his daughter, Susan Osborn Balch (1811–1878); to her son, John Francis Davis (1832-1917); to his son, Davenport Field Davis (1902–1970 ); to his daughter, Sandra D. Carpenter, Class of 1955W (b. 1935), Exeter, New Hampshire; given to present collection, 2019.

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