STAFF NEWS: Curator Jami Powell Receives Lone Pine Leadership Award

Lone Pine Awards celebrate staff excellence across Dartmouth's campus.

The annual Lone Pine Staff Recognition Awards ceremony on Thursday, May 23, at the Hanover Inn celebrated excellence across Dartmouth. President Sian Leah Beilock and other senior leaders presented the awards during the afternoon event, which was followed by a reception.

President Beilock lauded Dartmouth staff members' dedication, patience, and commitment to institutional knowledge.

"It's really absolutely incredible, and I've seen it time and time again," she told the honorees and their colleagues, friends, and family members gathered in the ballroom. 

Beilock noted that the award winners represent a variety of roles and departments, a reminder of "how many people it takes to keep Dartmouth performing at the highest level," and said it was "amazing" to be able to recognize them and their contributions to the institution's success.

"On behalf of my entire senior leadership team, I'd like to express my deepest gratitude for today's award recipients and really say that you're setting examples for your peers to follow."

Read full article on Dartmouth News.


Written May 29, 2024