Exhibitions Archive
The Power of Place
Reservation X
Reservation X investigates the complex relationship between community and identity through seven large-scale art installations that make innovative use of photography, film, audio recordings, CD-ROM, sculpture, and painting. The featured artists are Mary Longman (Saulteaux), Nora Naranjo-Morse (Tewa), Marianne Nicolson (Kwakwaka'wakw), Shelley Niro (Mohawk), Jolene Rickard (Tuscarora), Mateo Romero (Tewa), and C. Maxx Stevens (Seminole). Through their individual creations, these artists generate a collective commentary on the power of place and the realities of everyday life for religious and racial minorities. Although their ideas of and experiences with community reflect very different perspectives, all of these artists recognize their affinities with a Native American identity and rely upon the power of art to express them.