A Space for Dialogue 74

A Space for Dialogue 74 Cover
June, 2012 Supplementary PDF (227.52 KB)

Text as Image/Image as Text: Narratives of African American History and Identity

Emma Routhier ’12, Levinson Intern

Published by the Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College

2012, 2 pages

The written narrative is the most valued form of knowledge production throughout modern Western history. This has significant implications for, among others, African American slaves, who were systematically denied participation in written discourse. It is not only a question of who has written history, but more importantly, who can? And how? With this background as a rich framework for critique, text as image has in turn become a powerful tool for artists interested in illuminating the dominant ways of manufacturing narratives and claiming knowledge.

Publication type: A Space for Dialogue Brochures